Copywriter in Switzerland for engineering topics

It is not easy to find a good English copywriter in Switzerland for engineering topics. Indeed people who understand the art of copywriting and the science of combustion stability are generally a rare species. At SoundsWrite, our copywriters, have a scientific and an advertising background: giving you the best of both worlds. We are based in Switzerland and with direct to layout services, we are the most efficient solution for your engineering marketing leaflets.


  • Job: Leaflet
  • Client: Alstom Boiler
  • SoundsWrite role: Copywriting, layout

SoundsWrite worked with Alstom communications to identify the key messages and USPs. Then we wrote the content and delivered a print-ready PDF.

Click on image to view pdf.

thumbnail-of-BOILER RSS-3 product leaflet_FINAL

From the leaflet – sample content

Customer benefits


Combustion stability is continuously monitored to help the operator prevent eventtriggered flame outages and boiler trips.


Helps to safely extend boiler operational range to handle low demand periods or a wider range of fuel characteristics without the risk of costly boiler trips.

Cost reduction

Smart combustion control based on flame stability information allows large savings of stabilising fuel during low load, startups and extraordinary events. Stabilising burners are used only when really needed.

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