Filming the impossible

The “Called+Empowered” series of documentaries was produced by SoundsWrite for the free+healed ministry, a mission organisation led by David M. Taylor.

Documenting the supernatural is the ultimate film-making and storytelling challenge because you have no control of the events as they unfold. It takes great faith at every stage of the production process.

We have now completed two 45 min documentaries in this series both shot in Northern Kenya. The third episode has been shot in Pakistan.


  • Job: Documentary film production
  • Client: free+healed
  • SoundsWrite role: Director/Narrator and Editor

Key production features

  • 45-min international documentary shot on remote locations in Kenya on a tight budget
  • Required cross-cultural sensitivity and a low-key approach
  • Working in toughest conditions in remote locations
  • Ability to work across language barriers and make subjects feel at ease when talking very personally
  • As a mission organisation free+healed is interested in skills transfer meaning we work with local camera crews